Why Do We Blush?

Friede Maia


Are you one of those people who blushes easily? If so, don’t worry. Blushing is a normal response of our body when we are anxious, nervous, or embarrassed. It’s a uniquely human characteristic that naturalist Charles Darwin defined as the most beautiful expression of all.

However, unlike any other human expression, blushing is a completely involuntary act that depends on our autonomic nervous system, which controls the automatic actions of our body.

When we are nervous or in an uncomfortable situation, the autonomic nervous system is activated and releases a chemical called adrenaline that floods our body and prepares us to respond to possible danger. As a result, our heart beats faster, our breathing accelerates, and we sweat more than usual. But that’s not all.

Adrenaline also dilates the tiny blood vessels that irrigate our face and surrounding areas. This causes our cheeks, ears, and even our neck to turn red, as more blood flows than usual.

Beyond the biological mechanism by which it occurs, there are different theories through which science seeks to explain why we blush.

One suggests that blushing evolved as a form of nonverbal communication. By blushing, we are showing others that we are aware of the mistake we have made and feel guilty about it. In turn, those who see us blushing find it easier to forgive us because they interpret our apology as genuine and sincere.

On the other hand, a second theory postulates that blushing is the opposite of remorse. It’s just a manifestation of anger that is triggered when the person feels attacked in some way.

Whatever the answer, remember that blushing is a normal reaction of our body that we cannot control and simply happens. So, embrace your rosy cheeks and know that we’re only human.



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